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Sheet Cake Diet

This is a book​ about​ ​​resiliency​, and about starting over, recovering from wild, misspent years, depression, anxiety, and everything else life tosses our way.​ ​Sheet Cake reminds the reader of their intrinsic resiliency, which is critical to robust mental health and overall wellness. ​We are astonishingly resilient, ​and there are times we need a reminder, a nudge, a book to show us how to survive and tap into our regenerative powers.

Most of us want to know we’re not alone, that there is a manageable, navigable path to a better life. Most people want to feel good; they want to process their pain in a way that actually helps them heal. We can change behavior and thought patterns. These simple, though not easy, acts of change can support a more engaging and interesting life. This book is an easy-to-follow guide for feeling good.

You can get your copy of Sheet Cake Diet here and here.

The Ageless Diet

There is so much misinformation out there about what to eat and how to live life for optimum health; it can be daunting, sifting through all this data. In this book, along with careful research, Tania Van Pelt shares her story – how she got well, lost inflammation and weight, and became healthier and biologically younger. It wasn’t hard, but it did require going back to basics. Buy your signed copy of The Ageless Diet and put yourself on the pathway for sustainable vitality.